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The Oteten Apama school project in Kumi District, Eastern Uganda was initiated in 11th November, 2001 in a meeting convened by the community of Apama to discuss the future of education of their children after the post conflict period. It was an attempt by the Teso community to address the effect on education of the rebel war and cattle rustling from the neighbouring Karamojong tribe. The war resulted in widespread abuse of human rights and loss of cultural values in Teso region.

The community initiated the construction of the primary school using available local community resources such as land, bricks, labour and financial contributions from well-wishers. The school first started with a 2 semi-permanent classroom block constructed by local materials including wattle, grass, cow dung and local unprocessed wood. The government contributed through construction of 4 classrooms in 2004 and 2 teachers’ houses for 200 children. The school is overcrowded with 643 pupils and the school structures have become dilapidated and grossly inadequate.

The inside view of the classrooms (above and below).

The shanty classroom block where pupils in lower primary school study.

The only two complete classroom blocks accommodating upper primary section.


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